I was a nightmare traveling this week from M-Th. The whole week I was forgetting things/accused of making others forget things.
- I forgot to pack three shirts Sunday night. I only packed two. I had to reuse a shirt on the last day.
- Monday morning, I forgot to wear a belt. Which is odd, because almost all of my pants require me to wear a belt.
- Also Monday morning, I wore my thick jacket to head to San Antonio. Not good, given that my contractor badge was in the pocket of my thin jacket.
- Wednesday I forgot my laptop bag, complete with laptop and notes, in a client’s office for over an hour.
- After the meeting Wednesday, my manager was driving, and even with three of us in the car we managed to go for 20 minutes in a direction before realizing we were on the wrong road.
- That Wednesday night we went to a downtown gym with a trial membership, but they wanted to charge us $15/person instead of the $10 that would have allowed us to expense the gym costs. Bad decision on their part, as we may have come back three times per week for the next few months. (Note: I technically didn’t forget anything here, but I was forced to waste about an hour nonetheless).
- Thursday morning we couldn’t find the car in the garage. We went to floors 6, 7, 8, 7, and 6 before realizing that it was on 5.
- I left my notebook in my room in the Westin. I only realized this after getting to the client, 20 miles away, and after #7 above.
The week isn’t over yet, so cross your fingers for me that I forget nothing else.
UPDATE: 8 forgets was enough for one week.