This one is close to my heart.
The consumer electronics chain CompUSA will be a thing of the past by next year, as the chain announced over the weekend that it will close its remaining 100 stores once the holiday season is over. According to Reuters, the restructuring firm Gordon Brothers Group will purchase the company’s stores and resell its remaining assets.
Expect some big holiday sales, for those of you who still live near a CompUSA.
More from the story:
With the closure, customers will likely be looking at some bargains at the holidays.
Founded in the mid-1980s, CompUSA has been controlled for most of its existence by the Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim. The company closed about half of its stores in March in a restructuring, and was reported last week to be considering selling some of its stores to rival Circuit City.
In high school, many years ago, I used to work at CompUSA. I stocked shelves for about two weeks, then sold computers for about 8 months (and only on the weekends during the school year). I made good money there as a high schooler, as they paid 1.5x minimum wage, plus gave incentives for selling service plans on computers. I probably netted $10-13/hour all in. Plus I won a Playstation 1. Not bad for a part time job where I got some great discounts.